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Report an Accessibility Barrier

Please help us to improve corporate services in our community for persons with disabilities by taking a few moments to let us know about any barriers you experience or any suggestions you have to improve the Town sites and services.

Report a Barrier

What is a barrier?

A barrier is anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of society because of his or her disability.

There are many kinds of barriers.

Architectural barriers may result from the design of the building, shape of rooms, size of doorways, or width of hallways, for example.

Physical barriers refer to objects added to the environment, such as doors, windows, elevators, furniture, bathroom hardware, etc.

Information or communication barriers make it difficult for people to receive or send information. For example, a person with a visual disability may not be able to read printed materials, read signs, locate landmarks, or see a hazard. A person with an intellectual disability may not understand information that is not expressed in plain language.

Attitudinal barriers refer to persons who do not know how to communicate with people with disabilities, or persons who display discriminatory behaviours.

Technology barriers refer to devices such as computers, telephones, inadequate or inappropriate assistive technologies.

Systemic barriers can result from an organization's policies, practices and protocols if they restrict persons with disabilities.